Our Classes

On-Line Classes

This Weeks Classes:
If there is any problem with your joining a class please text me at 510-798-3712

Online live classes are $20 payable by Venmo at Robert-Gray-156.

Or Paypal at RoberttheGray@me.com

Zelle at robertgrayyoga@yahoo.com

Tuesday 8 am On-line Yoga Class

Wednesday 5:30 pm On-line Yoga class

Thursday 8 am On-line Yoga class

Friday 11 AM On-line Yoga class

Saturday 8:30 AM On-line Yoga class


Please join my wonderful yoga community and feel better after every class. The classes are taught to a general level and each class ends with a relaxation period. You will need to download and sign up on the Zoom software, it’s really straight forward, then click on the link below of the class you would like to join.

I hope to “see” you there!

Robert Gray